Hello and thank you for joining us on this podcast episode!
In this podcast we dive into a great discussion on comparing both seated and standing exercises and which one might be best for you.
Both types of exercises have benefits and just because you are sitting in a chair doesn’t mean that you aren’t getting an intense and meaningful workout. However not all workout types are the same and what may seem best seated could have better benefits as a standing workout and vice versa.
In This Episode You Will Learn:
1). Some of Meredith’s suggestions and tips on how to decide whether you should be focusing more on seated or standing workouts.
2). How being aware of your posture plays a big role in both seated and standing routines which helps keep you safe and balanced.
3). The benefits the seated exercises can offer for people who may be struggling with lower body limitations in the legs and/or hips.
4). The differences between seated and standing routines when you are lifting heavier weights and how the body uses different muscles for each.
5). How your focus plays a big part in both standing and seated exercises, without focusing on what you are doing you could risk not benefitting from the movements or worse cause injury.
6). Meredith’s tips on how to move from seated to standing exercises and vice versa.
Thank you for joining us on this episode! We all come from different skill levels when it comes to exercise and finding the right routines that you are comfortable with is one of the most important factors in staying active. Both seated and standing routines have much to offer and we hope this episode has helped guide you to your perfect spot:)
Til the next episode!
Team Meredith