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Podcast 96 – We Answer Google’s Top Questions About Senior Fitness


senior fitness with meredith

Hello and thank you for joining us on today’s episode!

We recently discovered that when searching for the term “Senior Fitness” on Google that our content is now being listed on the first page! Wow! We never thought we’d be able to achieve such a task and have done so with your help. Thank You!

We also noticed that when arriving on the first page, there are commonly asked questions about senior fitness that come up, these are questions that Google specifies as the most popular search terms when searching for the term “Senior Fitness”. So for this week’s episode we wanted to get Meredith’s take on some of the most popular questions as determined by Google and see what her answers are.

In This Episode You Will Learn:

1). Meredith’s thoughts on what are the best kinds of gyms for seniors and/or some alternatives to going to a gym. Also what are some of the things to look for in a gym as far as equipment and support.

2). How much exercise should you try to achieve for a “senior”/ and or anyone at any age.

3). What kind of exercises are ideal for “seniors” including both resistance or strength training and cardio routines.

4). The importance of incorporating movement into your day as exercise, no matter what it is. Walking, running stretching, weight training etc. Keeping in mind that staying active is the key no matter what you do.

5). How much walking should “seniors” do, broken down into the recommended amount of “steps” per day.


Thank you again for joining us today, we hope you’ve enjoyed tagging along on answering Google’s most popular questions about “Senior Fitness” We also want to say “Thank You” for helping us get to the first page of Google search results when searching for the term “Senior Fitness”! We wouldn’t have been able to achieve this goal without your help. We appreciate you!

Til the next episode!

Team Meredith