A new year arriving always sparks feelings of a fresh start. There’s something about the beginning of a new year that makes you feel like it is time to make changes or set new goals to accomplish. If you feel this way, we have 5 great health and fitness goals to help get you started.
In This Episode You Will Learn:
1). Why setting goals at the beginning of a new year is very popular especially when it comes to health and fitness related goals.
2). Some of Meredith’s personal experiences in working with clients of all ages and their expectations after setting fitness related goals for a new year.
3). How exercising regularly can help manage stress and motivate you to continue to exercise on a consistent basis.
4). Why prioritizing sleep should be a goal if you don’t feel like you are getting enough during the week and how this affects your overall mental and physical health.
5). Why regular check ups with your PCP or doctor should be included in your yearly health goals.
We hope the suggestions in this episode help you if you feel like the new year is motivating you to embrace some health and fitness related changes. Setting goals is a great way to take ownership of your health in a productive way. New year goals are not always easy to keep especially as things come up during the year that may derail plans but hopefully these help inspire you to start somewhere. Best of luck to you!
Team Meredith