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Podcast 175 – Tips On Overcoming Anxiety When Exercising In Public


senior fitness with meredith

Hello and thank you for joining us on this episode!

Do you feel uncomfortable exercising in public places? If your answer is “Yes” then know that you are not alone.

Studies have shown that many Americans still feel uncomfortable going to an indoor gym or public area to exercise whether it be in the form of feeling intimidated, overwhelmed or feeling anxious or feeling like an imposter. These feelings are very real for some people and moreover, can hinder physical activity and overall health.

Fortunately this doesn’t have to be the case. Learning to cope with these feelings and knowing how to “work through” issues that make you feel alone or are hindering you from staying active and healthy is possible with practice. Knowing how this affects your mental health and how to overcome the feelings you have with time, can help you on your fitness journey and know that you don’t have to go at it alone.

In This Episode You Will Learn:

1). Why Meredith thought this was an important topic to shed light on and how she has felt these same feelings of being uncomfortable exercising in public places as well.

2). How the rise of home workouts have been very helpful for most people but could also add to feelings of anxiety when attempts are made to go back to a gym or class.

3). How some of our fears and thoughts about what other people think at a gym aren’t really as real as we think.

4). Why going to the gym with a trusted buddy can be a great idea and how it can make exercising less stressful especially if both people are at the same fitness level. Learning and growing together is always the best way to go!

5). The importance of knowing that you are good enough and deserve to exercise no matter where you are in your fitness journey without feelings of judgement, anxiety or intimidation is the key to long lasting health.


Thank you again for joining us on this important episode! Staying active and healthy can be done in many ways. For most of us, going to a gym or public area is very common and accessible. But not feeling comfortable to exercise in these places can keep us on the sidelines. Hopefully the tips we share in this episode helps you or someone you know feel more comfortable with exercising no matter where you are.

Staying active and healthy is the name of the game and we want to help keep you going for as long as possible!

Til the next episode!

Team Meredith