Greetings and thanks for swinging by for this week’s podcast!
For this episode we are wrapping up 2019 and talking about how you can establish new health goals for 2020 and also how to make sure you stick with them.
Setting goals and following through to achieve them can be difficult to do. Everyone looks at things he or she wants to improve and a new year is always a popular time to try and do just that.
But how do we stick to them?
For our last podcast of the year, we wanted to discuss this idea of setting goals or “resolutions” and what that really means. It’s not always easy to keep them going especially if your goals are health based.
Lose weight, eat better, get more rest, more exercise etc. These are all common goals we all have at one point or another and hopefully this podcast will help you plan your goals and conquer them!
In This Podcast You Will Learn:
1). Why setting “goals” instead of “resolutions” is a better way to approach the things you’d like to accomplish in the new year.
2). How setting goals and looking to better yourself health wise isn’t tied to age and how seniors still take advantage of setting health goals as any other generation would.
3). Some great tips on how to get started on your fitness goals and some resources and ideas you can look into in your own communities.
4). Ways that can help you stick to your goals and keep you motivated to work on them when the initial excitement phase has decreased.
5). How healthcare workers or trainers can/should help motivate you to stay on track and hold you accountable for the goals you have by using positive feedback and progress meters.
6). Some insight into the growth of the senior generation adopting better health habits like exercise and diet and how it’s creating a healthier generation.
Thanks again for joining us today. Setting goals and sticking to them isn’t easy. We all want to improve ourselves and if your goals are to get healthier with exercise and diet this next year then hopefully you found this episode useful to you.
No matter what your goals are, being able to focus on what you want to achieve and doing the things necessary to stick to them is key in being successful.
Happy New Year and we will see you at the next episode!
Team Meredith