Hello and thank you for joining us on this episode!
If you have ever owned a pet or currently own one now then you know how much they can impact our lives. Having pets as part of the family can have many benefits but can also be challenging at times. They love us dearly and we love them, but how do they really affect our mental health?
In this episode we dive into the many ways caring for and owning pets (of any kind!) can impact our mental health in ways that we may not realize.
In This Episode You Will Learn:
1). Some of Meredith’s experiences in working with clients and how their pets have affected their lives when it came to keeping them in a mentally and emotionally healthy state.
2). How mental health awareness has become much more prevalent in modern society and why it is now getting the attention it deserves.
3). Why caring for pets can benefit both owner and pet mentally as we tend to see our pets more as “family” members then pets.
4). The possible differences in owning pets when we are older vs younger and why we may be able to have a bigger bond with our animals later in life.
5). How the use of therapy dogs or service dogs has shown to drastically improve the lives of people who may struggle with mental health issues like post traumatic stress syndrome etc.
Thank you again for joining us today! We love getting the chance to talk about some of our favorite topics and pets are definitely one of them. Caring for pets can bring many benefits to our lives and help us in so many ways from physically, emotionally and of course mentally. We hope you found value in this episode and as always we would love to hear from you as well!
Til the next episode!
Team Meredith