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Grateful – MWM#288

senior fitness with meredith

This motivation is a reminder to you all how grateful I am for you! I thank you each day for helping make me who I am today.

Hope – MWM#287

senior fitness with meredith

This motivation reminds us to grow from our past, be strong into our future, and remember how important hope is for today!

Gratitude – MWM#286

senior fitness with meredith

This motivation reminds us that with gratitude for what we have, we realize we have enough in our life!

Push Yourself – MWM#285

senior fitness with meredith

This motivation reminds us that in order for a different and better tomorrow to occur, we must push ourselves each day!

Be Happy – MWM#284

senior fitness with meredith

This motivation reminds us to stay positive and happy, because it truly is good for our overall health.

Getting Started – MWM#283

senior fitness with meredith

This motivation reminds us that sometimes all we need to do is get started, and that will motivate us to keep going and even get ahead.

You – MWM#282

senior fitness with meredith

This motivation reminds us that as important as it is to stay healthy, we must do it for the correct reasons and love all of the things that make us who we truly are.

Believe – MWM#281

senior fitness with meredith

This motivation reminds us to believe in yourself everyday, even on the days you are not that confident in yourself, pretend and you will!