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15 Min Beginner Standing Cardio Workout


Welcome to another workout session! In this video we are going through a great cardio workout routine that you can do with us right at home.

Regular cardio exercise is a great way to keep your heart healthy as you go through your daily routine of walking, jogging, climbing stairs or just being active overall.

For this workout, all you need is a moderate space for you to move around in and if needed, a sturdy chair for you to hold for extra balance.

The routines in this video are geared towards easy – to – do movements and are meant to get your whole body involved!

Having a healthy heart helps you in whatever you do and sticking to a regular cardio routine like this one is a great way to make sure your heart is always in tip-top shape!

As always, you only should do what feels comfortable for you and your body. If you aren’t used to doing standing cardio then you can substitute these movements whilst sitting in a chair.

Remember to drink lots of water as you go through this routine and always break for rest when you need it.

Have a great workout!

Team Meredith